Monday, November 21, 2011

Fried Radishes and Eggs

I started cleaning out the chest refrigerator this morning to make room for our 19+ lb pastured turkey to thaw and down in the bottom of the produce box was a bag of radishes from the October coop order.  The radishes were just fine, the greens a bit. . . past due.  So I dumped them in the sink, washed them, cut off the greens and roots, sliced them, into the pan with some local butter, onions I got in September from the coop, and some serrano peppers from this month's coop order.  Garlic, salt and pepper, cooked well done (not burnt, but the onions should be well caramelized and in fact the radishes caramelize a bit too).  This made a great low carb side dish to my scrambled pastured eggs and sausage from a free range pig, all of course bought through the Oklahoma Food Cooperative. Taste, food safety, nutrition.  All there in about 15 minutes of work and some good bon appetitin' eatin.
I know that "fried radishes" sounds weird, since most of us only eat radishes raw, but try 'em, you'll like 'em. They sweeten up very nicely.

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